A Skincare Community Unlike All Others.

Eliminate confusion and unnecessary experiments and take skin health into your own hands. 🙂

Hi, I'm Olena

In case you don’t know me, I’m a skin coach, blogger, and YouTuber and have helped thousands of women heal their skin conditions, love themselves, and live their dream lives.

But, I used to wake up dreading the light of day.

My hand would reach towards my face and feel the newly formed craters that sprinkled my skin.

I didn’t want to get up and face my reflection, because then those craters would become real. Alas, I had to go to school, and no excuse in the world would convince my mother to let me stay home.

No, I had to go out there and be SEEN — with my red constellations.

It was rough growing up with acne in my ripe teenage years. Not just acne though…I also had glasses, braces, and a headgear. I really hit the jackpot.

Oh, and I didn’t wear makeup yet, so the pimples were bright and unmistakable — you couldn’t miss them. There was literally no hiding, but that’s all I wanted to do. I felt like people were constantly starring at me — and not because I was super good-looking!

Eye-contact felt painful…

I felt like anybody who spoke to me had to practice extreme will-power to look me in the eye, instead of looking in the eye of my biggest pimple.

I couldn’t understand how or why this was happening to me, but I was determined to find a solution.

My dermatologist prescribed me Accutane and my mother bought it for me. I sat in my bedroom, holding the bottle of bright pills and reading the instructions. They came with the longest list if side-effects I had ever seen.

I had a friend who was also on Accutane, and her face was always flaky and coming off in small bits. She complained of feeling weak and stiff, and frankly, it was painful to even look at her. I decided that the side-effects were not worth the clear skin.

Something told me I was better off.

I searched far and wide, read countless forum posts, reviews, research articles, books, and attempted using different products.

But my skin was awful. It wasn’t just pimply, it started getting disco-ball shiny too. I literally couldn’t blot fast enough!

I was undatable. I literally didn’t date all through high-school, and the one time I made out with a boy…was in the dark. My confidence was in ruins…

Years later I was able to manage my skin quite well, mainly because of birth control pills and a good skin care routine.

But the birth control pills came with their own list of disastrous side effects. The first pills I was on were Alesse21. They caused me to have violent mood swings…

I bounced from euphoric happiness to thoughts of suicide. I cried all the time.

It took about 2 years for me to make the connection between my mood and the pills, so I consulted my doctor and he put me on Minestrin, a different birth control pill.

Months later I got my very first migraine. The pain was so bad that I literally couldn’t look at light or hear sounds because they’d make me violently ill.

The migraines became regular visitors in my life. First they were monthly, then weekly, then biweekly. They put me out of commission, and I started taking super strong pain pills in order to get over the pain.

If you’ve never had a migraine, I congratulate you. I haven’t experienced pain so strong ever in my life, and I have a really high threshold for pain. I mean, I don’t make a sound when my legs get waxed…

I quit birth control pills as soon as I made the connection, and my migraines started slowly subsiding in frequency and in strength. My doctor didn’t warn me of this potential side effect, so I wasn’t aware of it — until I started doing my own research.

I realized that there was a lot that doctors weren’t saying…And many ways that they weren’t helping.

I was pissed that there was nobody out there who could help me. It was time to really take matters into my own hands.

Along the way, I made TONS of mistakes.

But I was learning.

I started learning about skin, how it worked, how it could function better, what I could do to help, and what I shouldn’t do at all.

Skin care was a topic I delved into in more depth than anything else. I literally absorbed everything I could on the subject, determined to understand what mattered in skincare, what ingredients to look for, which ingredients to avoid, and how to properly care for my skin.

I couldn’t believe how much information was out there, and how little experts could agree on OBVIOUS things.

I heard crazy advice like:

This is simply the worst skincare advice you’ll ever hear. Trust me, I’ve been down that road myself, and have seen what it does to many of my client’s skin! Oh the damage!!!

But others might give tell you to use the following….

If any item I mentioned is in your skincare arsenal, then we need to talk.

I started learning more about how skin worked, how skincare affects our skin, and the longterm impact of our skincare habits. It was fascinating stuff…and there was research to fill in a lot of my gaps in knowledge! 

Research that my dermatologist seemed to ignore. 

But it wasn’t his job to educate me, it was mine.
It wasn’t his job to improve my skincare habits, it was mine.

I realized my skin wasn’t the problem.
I realized I was contributing, nay, CREATING the problem by not knowing any better.

It hit me like a ton of bricks.


It took 14+ years of research, experimentation, and a ton of patience to have this breakthrough. 

It changed my life. 

I made my skin health my priority: 

I started being consistent, I stopped skin-picking and leaning over the sink.

I started managing my stress and having more fun, I started happening to life instead of waiting around for life to happen to me. I started implementing all the knowledge I’d amassed, and it was working. 

I started feeling confident and radiant. 

I became super selective too. I started dating guys in the DAYLIGHT, unafraid of them looking at me…One of my girlfriends made a comment about the guys I dated, “Olena, they all look like they belong on a magazine cover.” 

In fact, I became the resident skin care expert among my friends. They would come to me with all their skin and makeup questions and would rely on my recommendations for clear skin. 

When I helped one friend heal her cystic acne in about 6 months, I understood that this was my mission. 

I had to help as many people as I could with GOOD INFORMATION. 

I knew I had to share everything I learned otherwise people would struggle like I did to find an answer… 

The conflicting information online about acne makes it impossible to get clear skin – especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. It’s not just confusing, it’s sometimes plain absurd and dangerous!

There are tons of beauty myths that people still believe! I even burned my face with an aspirin mask experiment gone wrong, and couldn’t leave the house for 6 full days until I could more or less cover the scabs with makeup. And all because of advice I found on acne forums

Trust me, I’ve been down every rabbit hole. 

I even tried OILS on my face only to experience the worst skin of my life… 

I had no place to turn to, and even experts let me down. 

I didn’t have any family members who had acne, I didn’t have an older sister I could talk to…My mom had perfect skin and couldn’t understand why I still broke out no matter how hard I tried to do all the things. 

My worst nightmare is YOU having nowhere to go and nobody to help you with your skin…

So I created a place for girls and women like me and like you. Yay!

My skin when I followed bad advice

It's possible to create acne, increased clogging, inflammation, and irritation simply by using the wrong products -- which I did.

My skin after I learned about skin health

It's also possible to maintain healthy, glowy skin with quality products -- in fact it's necessary to protect the skin from environmental stressors.

Here Are Some Client results

Check out what is possible WITH AT-HOME SKINCARE ONLY 🙂

Join The Clearheaded Community


Ask questions, get guidance, avoid making mistakes, and feel understood and supported! Join a helpful community where members give great advice and feedback.

We don’t go on diets or parasite cleanses here.

I keep an eye out making sure that all the advice is truly helpful, and pop in with additional thoughts a few times a week.


If you know anything about me, it’s that I provide value everywhere I go, and that holds true with all my content, free or not. 

This community includes 10 makeup tutorials (so far) with amazing product recommendations for glowy goddess looks, exclusive skincare training videos, brand sh*t list, exclusive tips and skincare advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet. 

Learn about acne-safe products, and tricks that will help you heal sooner! (No yoghurt masks or green tea/apple cider vinegar hydrosol recipes here!)

The Real Recipe For Clear Skin



Desire to change, humility, growth mindset 100%


Only The Best For Your Skin 100%


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Meet Olena!


I’m an expert in skincare, a nerd when it comes to the products and techniques, and my passion is teaching others how to achieve clear skin in the comfort of their own homes (without it taking over their life).

My happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my insights with the world, or people watching in cafes around Paris with my husband.

Taking control of my skin health is one of the most empowering things I’ve done for myself.

But I’m not going to sit here and tell you it happened over night.

It took steady, hard work for over a decade, consistently showing up, and challenging my comfort zones with creativity and learning! And it took self-awareness.

I’ve struggled, but you don’t have to.

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